If you have ever wanted to participate in drag as a drag queen or king, this is the time. This pageant is designed for first time performers who have never been on the big stage and accepted tips. Participants will be matched up with a local queen and have an hour to get ready before they have to sashay across the dance floor and show their moves!
If you are interested, please reach out to Aurora Cummings, Empress 35, Petty Poussey, Empress 37, Regent Emperor 37 Clayton Burchell or Minister of Protocol- Fred Worsham
All applications are due the night of the pageant at 8:00 pm to the Minister of Protocol- Fred Worsham.
Hugo’s Ultralounge
200 W Main Street
Sunday, September 16, 2018
$5 Door Donation @ 8:30PM
Pageant @ 9PM